Our weekly family support groups are held every Thursday from 6:00-7:30 PM.
Zoom ID: 915 7878 4818
Password: 177025
We also have a new Family Support line for anyone who needs help with their loved one in recovery. That number is 774-392-6668
Substance use disorder can have devastating effects on family members. We understand how families of people in recovery may experience adversities that lead to family stress, shame, anger, fear, and anxiety. The process of recovery is reinforced through relationships and social networks. This often includes family members who become fundamental supporters of their loved one’s addiction recovery. At our addiction treatment center, we are proud to offer family support groups and recovery coaching to ensure our patients have the support they need during this difficult time.
To reinforce the model of resiliency in recovery, we offer family support groups, family counseling, and 12- step resources through our Foundations Group Recovery Centers - Ohio location in Columbus, Ohio. We support the health and wellness of everyone who has been impacted by an individual’s drug and alcohol use disorder.
Now that your family member is in treatment, things are starting to change. Some of the tension and turmoil that probably were part of your life may be starting to ease. But the first weeks of treatment are stressful. Each family member is adjusting to changes, starting to deal with past conflicts, and establishing new routines. Amid all these changes, it is important that you take good care of yourself—get enough sleep, eat right, rest, exercise, and talk to supportive friends and relatives. Your church, mosque, synagogue, temple, or other spiritual organization also may be a good source of support.
Recovery is not just an adjustment for the person in treatment—it also is an adjustment for you. For the past few years, you may have assumed roles or taken care of tasks that were your loved one’s responsibilities. Now, as time passes, you and he or she may need to learn new ways of relating to each other and learn different ways of sharing activities and chores. If you are the parent of an adolescent in treatment, you will need to be closely involved in treatment planning and treatment activities.
You may need to adjust your life and family relationships to allow for the extra time this involvement will take. You may have many questions about how your family member will behave in these early stages of recovery. Everyone acts differently. Some people are very happy to be getting treatment at last; others suffer a great deal while they adjust to a new life and attempt to live it without alcohol and drugs. They may be sad, angry, or confused. It is important for you to 19 20 realize that these are normal reactions and to get support for yourself.
Al-Anon is the best-known and most available resource for family members and friends of alcoholics. Al-Anon was founded 50 years ago to provide support for those living with someone with alcoholism. Alateen, for older children and adolescents, was founded somewhat later on. Today, many family members of people who use drugs also participate in Al-Anon or Alateen. These meetings are free and available in most communities. Your community also may have Nar-Anon meetings. This group was founded for families and friends of those using drugs. Other groups also may be helpful, such as CoDependents Anonymous and Adult Children of Alcoholics.
How can I support someone in recovery?
Don’t judge. Many people in recovery feel judged by their family and friends. Accept them for who they are and refrain from criticism and negativity.
• Be patient. Recovery is a long, complicated process. People often have setbacks. It’s important for them to know that you still support them when things get tough.
• Reinforce that recovery is possible. Like other chronic diseases, people can manage addictions successfully.
• Actively Listen. Take notice of your loved one’s victories and struggles.
• Encourage healthy habits. Cooking, exercising and playing games are all positive, substance-free activities you can do with a person in recovery.
• Suggest a support group. Support groups allow people in recovery to interact with and receive encouragement from others who struggle with addiction.
• Continue to offer encouragement and support. Emphasize that it takes a lot of courage to get help for an addiction.
• Take care of yourself. Join a support group for friends and families of people with addictions to feel less alone
At Foundations Group Recovery Centers, we are here to help families across the Westerville, Gahanna, Dublin, Powell, Lewis Center, Worthington, Hilliard, Grove City, Marysville, New Albany, and Delaware, OH areas. Our addiction treatment center in Columbus, Ohio provides programs for all types of addiction and substance use disorders. We provide alcohol and substance use treatments tailored to address the needs of individuals in multiple stages of recovery. Our team provides the addiction help and support needed to build a strong foundation in recovery from a variety of addictions. If you or a loved one struggles with an opioid use disorder and needs addiction treatment, we welcome you to reach out to Foundations Group Recovery Centers - Ohio staff to get started today.
Get in Touch
4971 Arlington Centre Blvd
Columbus, Ohio 43220