Holistic and Alternative Therapies in Recovery


Holistic therapies, also known as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), are a range of non-pharmacological treatments. These include hypnosis, meditation, guided imagery, acupuncture and other practices that aim to improve overall health. Holistic therapies can help reduce stress levels and anxiety associated with drug addiction recovery by reducing the symptoms of withdrawal and by improving your overall mental well-being. Were on the precipice of having holistic and alternative therapies revolutionizing how we treat substance use, mental health and co-occurring disorders. At Foundations Group Recovery Centers, we realize that our clients needs are evolving with the advances within the industry. We are proud to offer a variety of treatment modalities at our addiction treatment center in Mashpee, Ma to expose our clients to multiple paths of recovery.

What are holistic and alternative therapies?

Holistic and alternative therapies are non-traditional and non-western approaches to healing. They can be used to supplement traditional treatment for substance use disorder, or they can help you cope with your addiction on your own.

Holistic therapies include mindfulness meditation, yoga and tai chi–all of which encourage you to take time for yourself to be quiet and focus inwardly on what’s important in life. These types of treatments may sound too good to be true because they promise so much: relief from physical pain; reduced anxiety; greater self-awareness; improved relationships with others–and even better sleep! But there’s science behind these claims: A growing body of research shows that some holistic methods really do work at helping people manage their symptoms while simultaneously improving quality of life overall.

Holistic and alternative therapies in recovery

Holistic and alternative therapies can be helpful in substance use disorder recovery at foundations group recovery centers. Holistic and alternative therapies are used to help you get in touch with your emotions and feelings, deal with stress, anxiety, or depression, find balance in life, and make positive changes in the way you think about yourself. There are many types of holistic approaches that may be helpful for people who are trying to change their behavior:

  • Meditation: This practice involves sitting quietly for a period each day while focusing on your breath as it moves through the body. It helps people learn how to control their attention so they don’t get distracted by all the things going on around them (like thoughts).
  • Yoga: Yoga combines physical exercises with breathing techniques; it also teaches patience because many poses take time before they feel comfortable doing them correctly


Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It’s performed by channeling energy from the universe through the healer to the client. Reiki masters claim that this universal life force can be used to promote wellness, relieve pain, reduce depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality and enhance overall well-being.

According to practitioners, Reiki works by balancing your body’s natural energy systems (known as chakras). Chakras are thought to exist in every person; however their location varies depending on each individual’s physical makeup or constitution–for example most people have seven chakras but some may have six while others have eight! When we’re healthy our chakra system is balanced; however when we become ill or stressed out certain aspects of our life become unbalanced which ultimately affects how our body functions overall too!

Meditation and mindfulness meditation

You may have heard of meditation and mindfulness meditation, but not know how they differ. Mindfulness meditation is a practice that helps you focus on the present moment, while meditation is more often used to reduce stress or cravings. Both can help you deal with negative emotions and improve your overall health by reducing stress levels.

If you’re looking for a way to manage your feelings while in recovery, then these holistic therapies may be right up your alley!

Guided imagery and psycho-therapy for addiction recovery.

Guided imagery, hypnosis, and psycho-therapy are all forms of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a type of treatment that involves talking about your feelings with a trained therapist.

The term “guided imagery” refers to a specific type of hypnosis that uses visualization techniques to help you relax and focus your mind on something positive. In guided imagery sessions you will be asked to imagine yourself doing something relaxing such as walking through nature or sitting by the ocean while you breathe slowly into your belly–this is called diaphragmatic breathing (or belly breathing). This can help reduce stress levels which often cause cravings for alcohol/drugs/food etcetera because they make our bodies feel better temporarily but don’t actually solve any problems in our lives!

Holistic and alternative therapies can be helpful in substance use disorder recovery at Foundations Group Recovery Centers.

Foundations Group Recovery Centers, located in Mashpee, Ma, is proud to offer a wide variety of treatment approaches to our clients to help them recover from substance use disorder. One of our approaches to treatment is the use of holistic and alternative therapies. These therapies are used in conjunction with traditional therapies such as behavioral therapy and medication-assisted treatment. The center’s holistic approach focuses on treating the whole person, addressing their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. They believe that addiction is a disease that affects the whole person, and treatment should address all aspects of the individual. Some of the holistic and alternative therapies used at Foundations Group Recovery Centers include yoga, meditation, mindfulness, meditation, sound healing, Reiki, Refuge Recovery and nutrition counseling. These therapies are used to help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional issues that may contribute to addiction. Yoga and meditation, for example, have been shown to help reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial during the recovery process. Sound and energy healing can help reduce pain and promote relaxation, which can also be helpful during the detoxification process. Nutrition counseling is also an essential part of the center’s holistic approach, as a healthy diet can help individuals feel better physically and emotionally. Our approach to holistic and alternative therapies is designed to help individuals in recovery achieve long-term sobriety by addressing all aspects of their health and well-being. By using these therapies in conjunction with traditional treatment methods, the we aim to provide a comprehensive approach to addiction recovery that addresses the unique needs of each individual.